
"Ah, Screw It!"

(Yes, Bjork, I went there ;) )

I am sitting at my computer drinking a glass of coke having just finished my copying or science work into my book(forgot my book today so wrote everything onto lined paper from my English book ;P ) and I swear my coke glass is magic, I'm pretty sure I sub-consciously to a glug of it earlier and finished the glass, yet there is still about half of the liquid still in the glass. I have not left the room since I sat down to do work with the same glass, no one has entered to refill it. Heck, I even finished the bottle in the fridge so its not possible to refill it.... O.e Freaked.Out.

Anyway, today was good, started and ended my day sitting next to very interesting chairs. Oh, and, Bjork happened to be sitting on them both :P
I also missed the all-too-horrifying experience of seeing a guy moon at our bus - unlucky Bjork.

Just noticed that since we started this Blog thing, Yorkie has become much more ....prominent in my life... yeah that's the word I'm thinking of >.< maybe it's just because she's writing one too, or just because we have funny moments I remember because we tell each other to mention them in the blog. And I'm sorry but ranting on like that has just reminded me of the fact that I have lost the game twice today, and because of this, that number goes up to three ^.^ trol.

My Filipino(spell checker tells me it is spelt this way, although the country begins with 'Ph-') friend got back from her 'trip out to get milk' today and she got me a pen! But not just any pen, oh no, this pen has a white plastic hand shaped like a fist with the index finger pointing out ready to poke people! I call it - The Pokey Pen >.< and I LOVE IT

I realise I'm a very easily pleased person, but I'm Ok with that :P

Hope everyone else had a good day too x

Bubaii x

1 comment:

  1. Mwahahaha, Mention ^^ and i love the new layout :) x
