
Sooo… James…

It is not what you think. James is not my new 'interest', I can now say that I have no 'interest' ^.^ *woop* but it is my friend yorkie that has been spouting sonnets about him since yesterday :P it's cute, but kinda tiring and slightly depressing to be at the receiving end of the adoration overflow ;D I'm not in a very descriptive mood atm sorry x anyway for me, well I am over Tom, I mentioned him in my last post, he is current guy.... Not so current any more I guess.... But I deleted it coz it was stupid and I felt stupid... Anyway at the moment I'm focusing completely on my friendship with Joe (We are best friends and I love it :') ) and he will be joining me and six other people in a limo to prom in June >.< tis great is it not? ;D and also I am focusing on being POSITIVE. which is hard. Harder than one might think. Or not think. Depending on the person ;) but yeah I love Joe, he's great. As a friend. Believe me anymore than a friend is weird, been there done that =.= Not. Fun. Yeah so.... That's it really. Yeah. Teehee. Trol. Umm I think I'll just umm, shut up now. TTYL xxx


  1. spouting sonnets, phahahaa, and sorry, ill stop talking about him ^^ and he is going to read this btw :P

    1. Is he?! Why? I don't want him to read my blog!
