
I believe…

- that one smile from someone you love can instantly make you happier
- that long walks on the beach help to clear your mind and look at any problems with an open mind
- in angels
- in laughter
- that the truth is in their eyes, you just need to know how to see it
- you've already met the one you'll be with for the rest of your life, whether as a friend or lover, they'll always be there for you
- in the quotes I love
- in the people I hold closest to my heart
- in true love overcoming the worst circumstances, even death, and of course, being there through the happy times as well
- that cracking my knuckles won't give me arthritis
- that I'll get arthritis anyway because it runs in the family
- that that last belief just proves I'm part of something much bigger ^.^
- that remembering to smile even when you have a bad day makes those around you happier even if I'm not very good at it :P
- that every time it rains, snows or becomes foggy, it washes the world and makes you see it anew when it clears
- that most of my posts have been cheesy mixed with random so here's another random ;)
- war never makes anyone stronger, happier or safer

And most of all, I believe someone, somewhere is reading this right now and although they don't know what I look like or who I am, they are thinking of me and I am thinking of everyone who will read this as I'm writing it. I believe someone somewhere is thinking of me without reading this and that I'm happy to have touched someone's life :)

I hope I made you think, of all the good things to believe in

DF2S xxxx

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