
I don't like anyone.... or do I ;3

Just a quick update :3

Well for a while now I've been relishing the fact that I don't like a guy >.< it makes life so sweet, you stop comparing quotes and love songs and cheesy sayings to how you feel and what you're going through, you can enjoy things for what they are and I really have no idea how to explain how amazing it feels :D AND I don't give a rat's arse what I look like, although for some reason I wear more make up these days I think it's just to please myself :P 


I've been strange lately, and I'm not sure if it's because of the change of heart or just me "growing up" - so to speak - but I'm just not 'ME' anymore :s
I used to absolutely LOVE Cream Soda(if you have no idea what that is, you have not lived ;D) and meat of all kinds(except for innards and strange things like black pudding and Haggis) but now I'm not so keen on it, the thought of meat makes me feel sick... ~be right back gotta gag~ Sorry, bout that =.= and when I get nervous I feel like crying and cry waaaay easier than I ever did and I don't mind what side of the bus I sit on, I feel like just getting up and going out and taking pictures(NOT meeting people, that thought makes me feel ill too, still a bit introverted - Google it, don't ask >.< ) 
And I kinda do like a guy but it's not suffocating and because I just want to HELP people I feel like just helping in his love life, like I normally do as a friend, is enough, so it hasn't effected the top paragraph :D I've liked him before :/ I think I did a post about him ages ago like half a year ago O.o but I saw a quote the other day(still love those :P) that said "feelings that return are feelings that never went away" so maybe I've liked him for 4(+) years...? Please give me your verdict :) I'd love to hear it, and I bet Bjork, you know who I'm talking about, Tim(if either one of you is reading this) probably has no idea, but he has a good excuse :)

So I think that's about it.... yeah umm. These are hard to end because DF2S is just weird now so....

I don't like bye, so, Aurevoir :33

Just some random ones cause I don't have any that relate :)

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